Title: Vote Proposition 30
Author: Genevieve Vandeutekom
Date: 9/29/12
Analysis of argument: I am for Proposition 30 because I want
to continue my education and think other people deserve the same.
Exigence: This action is important immediately because if
not schools will suffer with even more budget cuts this year.
Intended audience: Voters
Purpose: To convince voters to votes yes on proposition 30
Claim: I have the right as a student to give my input on
this issue and argue for or against it.
The logical
reasoning I will use to defend proposition 30 is by first informing my audience
what it is. To inform my audience I will reveal the pros and the cons so that
they can have a clear view of the bigger picture. With out proposition 30
schools and colleges both will suffer more than they already have, facing an additional
$6 billion in budget cuts. Proposition 30 can help California by balancing our budget and pay
for schools and the safety in schools. If you think about it, if there is more
money for education the economy will do better because more people can graduate
and get jobs, and have money and people will be able to have an equal opportunity.
Couples making less than $250,000 a year won’t have to pay the tax increase
that will take place for the next seven years if it passes.
opposition, there is really no guarantee in the way that the proposition is
written that the money that comes from these tax increases will go to schools.
And really the government is just threatening us by saying to vote for this proposition
or they will take it out on our school systems.
I feel as a
writer I am credible because I am currently a student at a community college that
would be affected if this proposition doesn’t pass. Why would I want
proposition 30 to pass if it wasn’t going to benefit my education? Already at Cabrillo College there has been $400 in classes
cut in just the past couple of years. Course offerings have also been cut by
about 10%. Even tutoring hours to help students and staff jobs have been cut
tremendously as well which doesn’t just affect students but teachers as well.
in the situation that I am in, and I’m sure there are many other students in
this position, if the Community Colleges shut down or I couldn’t get into the
classes that I needed, I wouldn’t have a future. My family doesn’t have money
to help me out with school, especially if I was going to go to a UC. If position
30 doesn’t pass class sizes may decrease even more and I won’t be able to get
into the classes I need to graduate. My hopes and dreams of become a professional
and having a steady job and income will be crushed. I will have to work part
time jobs making minimum wage while people who are making over $250,000 a year aren’t
willing to pay a tax increase to help out poor college students like me trying
to go somewhere in life.
Although the people who are against proposition 30 make some compelling arguments, i believe that these people are the ones who are going to be affected by the tax increase, because who wouldn't want to try and help our school systems? And if the government was just threatening us i think more people would be aware of this hidden message and be against it, but seeing as the majority of the people are for proposition 30 i think that is a myth.
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