Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Bros before Hos" : The guy code

    In this writing by Micheal Kimmel called "Bros before Hos": The guy code, masculinity characteristics and values are determined and analyzed. Kimmel asks a variety of girls and guys different questions to determine attitudes, values, and traits of guys and why they are the way that they are. The three main topics discussed in this passage are where guys begin to act manly, what
their influences are, and what happens if they don't obide by this guy code.
     According to Kimmel, there are "four basic rules of masculinity"(609), that were create by a social psychologist in 1976, named Robert Brannon. The first rule is "Don't be a sissy". This is a classic thing that is said to guys and now a days would also be stated as "Don't be a pussy". Basically this is an important rule for masculinity for a couple reasons. First of all guys are competing with eachother and If one guy gets hurt and is crying, while the other guy who got hurt is sucking it up, his boys or homies are going to respect him more. Also, if a lady sees a man being a sissy or a whimp she's not going to want him because a lady needs a man who can defend himself and her as well. Girls on the otherhand can act like whimps or sissys because they need a man to comfort them.
     Furthermore, our second rule of masculinity portrays that a man should have "wealth, power, and status"(610) the rule "Be a big wheel". The most obvious idea that corresponds is by abiding by this rule , you will have a lot of money. Money may not be able to buy you happiness, but it can buy you a lot of things that you need and want in this world. Following back to the idea that guys are in competition with eachother. So if Ted is making more money than John then Ted is probably a cooler guy. Subsequently, John isn't going to be a ladies man either, because women need a man that can support them and their needs or at least themselves. She isn't your mother and probably doesn't want to take care of you.
    The next rule is "Be a sturdy oak". This refers to being reliable in any given situation, which in context means being there when needed. This reminds me of a scene from many movies where something goes wrong and the guy shows up at the very end and it looks like he fixed the problem when it was just fixed itself or by the dog. This rule could also come in handy with the ladies. If they had a bad day, or there car broke down, or they need help connecting thier t.v. Just by being there and pretending to listen or to help, you will become a hero very quickly.
       Finally, the last rule of masculinity is "Give 'em Hell". Don't care what others think of you, do things that people wouldn't do normally, live, and be daring while taking risks. A lot of times when I see  guys practicing this rule I think they are being cocky and show offs. Other girls might perceive this being brave or coregeous. It probably also goes back to the idea of being better than other guys and "hey man, look what I can do" type of attitude.
     In conclusion it must be a lot of pressure to be a guy. When Kimmel states "In truth, the guy code fits as comfortably as a straight jacket"(615) he is being quite sarcastic. A straight jacket never fits right and is uncomfortable. It has a lot of belts and loops to make it tight. In society there are probably many guys who don't like these rules but follow them because that Is what they were taught and surrounded by. Society expects men to be masculine, therefore that it what is performed by them.

1 comment:

  1. I love your straight jacket analysis! Your doing a great job! I know what you mean, guys are cocky not really brave or courageous when they practice the give them hell rule. Keep it up!
